i guess its ok to lie, as long as the society says!!!!!
big d
hi everyone, its betty .
i was just wondering if theyre are any bethelites who were in brooklyn in the late 90's-2003?
i knew a lot of guys there when i was still in the borg.
i guess its ok to lie, as long as the society says!!!!!
big d
can we see the fulfillment of this today?
these are just a few of the prophecies recorded in the bible which have seen their fulfillment.
another evidence of divine authorship can be found in the practical guidance the bible gives.
my favorite public talk was , god is love, among others, i gave that talk at least 50 times!
big d
what do you like to smell on male/females?.
inquiring minds want to know!!!.
cool water for me always
for ladies, i love happy, clinique, it makes me swwon to smell that!!!!!!!!!1
big d
the ten commandments, ben hur
it moves me on a spirtual level
big d
the "water delivery pipe" burst on the well again..so..yesterday we dropped new heavy duty pipe 350ft below the ground..that took most of the day,but we were done before dark.....finally!..i can shower,flush the toilet and run the dishwasher!..no more paper plates on what seems an endless picnic!..lol!
!..so..i go to the power box and turn on the pump..we have running water!.......about 5 minutes later we notice water coming from the main floor,running down the wall and over a light switch....and..the water is frigg`n bright blue!!..wtf!..lol!
!..it`s the toilet over flowing..i`ve got bright blue toilet water all over the bathroom floor and pouring over a light switch in the basement!..this isn`t good..so,i turn the water off to the toilet..i`ll fix it later....it`s time for my workers to leave..i wander down the ranch driveway with a flashlight and the dog to open the ranch gate..i get the gate open and the truck and trailer pass through the gate..i figure the trailer is through the gate and let the gate swing shut.....bam!!
went hunting in above casper wyoming once, alone , in a very remote, hells kitchen area, got their 3 days before, season opened on a draw tag in a area surrounded by no hunting units, the rancher told me, go where you are man enough to go on, 177,000 acres.
i did, weather was great, animals everywhere, i had drawn an muledeer tag, i made camp, and felt a little sick, i had eaten a steak , at a resturant earlier that day, before i got to the ranch.
i was glassing the area, getting sicker, started coming out both ends, lasted all nite and the next day, food poisioning i guess, couldnt walk or get up for 2 days, weak i slept in the truck, got out for a little bit, ,a bear was in my truck bed and came after me,i couldnt scream at him, my voice was gone from throwing up, i climbed up a small tree, and he scampered away, i went to the truck, and he got in my camper area and ate all my can goods, chomped down on them.
i was so weak i couldnt drive, now, and phone didnt work in hells kitchen , i slept in truck, woke up on opening day, awoke to 2 feet of snow, decided to make a go of it, got on a horse i borrowed from the rancher called lightning, i soon found out why, wasnt really broke, rodeoed for a bit, climbed to a ridge, i had lost about 10 lbs, saw a really big buck, shot him, he had 17 points, and was massive, , it started snowing hard, i found myself, in my first ever whiteout, laid the horse down , jermiah johnson style, and laid over him, it lasted for half the day, storm broke and it took me a full day and a half to get the buck out, the last trip in, a bear spooked the horse, and came at me, i had to shot it point blank, horse threw me, i was still sick,the bear ran off bleeding, i tracked it a little but , i passed out against a tree,woke up several hours later, and , found the horse. loaded the deer , and got back to camp, it started snowing hard, i loaded and hit casper and it had snowed 5 foot, since i shot the deer, i am from south texas, so i was scared.
i had lost 18 lbs , when i got home, yes ive had a few bad days! big d
hey ya'll.
i know there is a lot of buzz due to the nbc story.
i thought i'd share my experience as an elder dealing with abuse.. i attended 23 different congregations in my life and served as an elder or ms in 9 of them.
happy you are a free thinker now, dont feel , guilty now for what you did as an elder, thats the nature of a cults ability to control people, not allowing them exposure to any ideas but their own. conformity!!
never look at the internet or examine our own religion,and if you do, youl commit apostacy, but ask others in fs to examine theirs all day,
my own experiences as an ms for many years, were enough to me to turn down elder, my father was an elder for many years, both he and i resigned, it took me 10 more years to convince me they were controlling my mind.
my father is very dissapointed but still in, agape brother, big d
ex witness of 20 years here.
by the grace of god (or something anyway) i managed to get out.
i visited this forum about 5 years ago and noticed the u.n. issue.
hola,welcome to others like yourself
big d
the past year or so was year was really, really bad as i came to realize the waking up experience.
once i knew for sure wt was a sham, (although maybe sincere), i had this immediate feeling i would have to leave.....everything.
of course my wife was already going nuts from all my study, questions, doubts, letters to society, meetings with elders....but once i really knew and felt i would have to leave.... i did leave several times.
all of us, like you who are adults, with a family, feel the same way, after my x left and , left the troff, i was alone , with 3 kids, i was devastated!
words cannot describe the anguish i felt and at times still do, i have left the troff too, i am alone still, with my kids, and i have become stronger than i ever thought possible, i was married for 22 years, my whole life!
i have days of doubt and sadness, but one thing i have learned, i want to share with you, if your wife still cares for you, do all you can to stay together, THE MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE IS FAMILY!
IT HAS BEEN 5 YEARS NOW, AND I STILL HAVE DAYS OF DEPRESSION, but the days go by, and my kids do something, anything, and i am so glad to still be here, i know it will be the same with your kids, and hopefully wife!
this is our time, this is our life, this is our family, this is our happiness, i dont concentrate on my desires much anymore, and you know what its great, my kids , family, is the most important thing now!
get a hobby, get involved in kids school, a gym is a wonderful thing, running is great!
you are a special person that the world cannot do without! agape, my brother, big d
on october 6th i registered in this forum, and gave a brief description of my personal experience, promising i would expand later.
the time has gone by very rapidly, other different priorities have kept me away from this forum, which i will not cover otherwise i would take even more time going down to the core of the subject.
my objective, in this forum, is to be of help to others who might be at a loss and who are confronted with the difficult issue of being loyal or leave the organization.
learn to appreciate what has happened to you, what if you never realized this?
men fail yes, but the org, is wrong , now in your open mindness you can see that!
big d
omg i'm so pissed at my cat baby.he has this thing he does when the cat box needs changed.he pees on my clothes and on my bedding.i usually don't know he's doing it till it's to late.. last week i had just changed my bedding and put my 300.00 comferter on my bed for winter.i just climbed in my bed to go to sleep.my cat gets up on the bed and pees on me.. i know what your thinking get rid of the cat he's got a problem.but i can't who would adopt a cat who's a known pee er?
?he only does this when the cat box is really bad.i'm usually on top of it but there are times when i get home and i'm too tired to change the cat box.. so now i'm trying a new cat litter.i tried feline pine.now i'm trying a cat litter made of recycled news paper.it's called yesterdays news.so far i like it better then feline pine because i hate the smell of the pine cat litter.it smells like i have giant hamsters living with me.. now i'm left with cleaning up the pee smell out of my comferter.i bought some vinager because another poster told me it gets pee and other oders out of fabric.i'm soaking the comferter in it now and i will leave it soaking till monday.my comferter is too big to just throw in a washer and wash.i need to take it to a laundry mat and put it in a washer that can wash 4 loads at once.. does anyone else have any tips for me.number one to get the smell out if the vinager doesn't work and number two to get him to pee where he's supposed to..
my cousin is a vet, cats commonly get a kind of bladder infection, go to vet, get meds, when they have this, they will not go regurarly back to the box, as they can smell this , in the box, if it is clean they will go once, and then 2nd time , wont go , they smell it again
big d